Oct 2019 - Jun 2020

About Senate

Senate meetings bring together a broad cross-section of the UW student community, which fosters a healthy dialogue surrounding issues affecting students. We form the official opinion of the UW student body, and empower students through the democratic process, providing a space where their voices can be heard.

Why I Joined

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During my time as an ASUW Senator, I served as a Senate Liaison for the Student Safety Advisory Board where I've worked and collaborated with student leaders to improve campus safety through weekly open forums.

I joined the ASUW Senate because I have a passion for student advocacy and empowerment. I wanted to make a positive, environmental impact. I was also driven by building connections with other student senators who wanted to make an impact at the UW campus. This inspired me to bring in issues faced by community & technical college (CTC) students who would potentially become transfer students at UW. My background as a transfer student gave me the voice to bring unique perspectives to the board and connect with prospective CTC students.

What stood out to me most during my time in the Senate were the first-year undergraduate students. I'd like to especially express deep gratitude to Alex Davidson, Timothy Billing, and Lukas Illa. I met them when they were just freshmen! I am so impressed by their drive and resilience to go above and beyond. I cannot emphasize how much they've inspired me to break boundaries and dream big.

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Elected for Senate Liaison at the Student Safety Advisory Board to make recommendations on improving safety

Senate holds a special place in my heart because of senators like them. I'm so blown away by everyone's ability in the Senate to make changes happen. Senate AMAZES me in every way possible, and I also treasure the bonding events that we've had together. I am forever grateful for those I've worked with to make the campus a better place.

Campus Partnerships

I applied for the internship position at the ASUW Campus Partnership because I want to be a part of an entity to increase transparency and awareness for students’ health and safety on campus.

I discovered that this opportunity aligns with my goal of facilitating discussions with various stakeholders regarding student physical and mental well-being.

With my experience in interviewing stakeholders and conducting data analysis, I dedicated my time to contributing to discussions related to student health and wellness, as well as collaborating with campus partners to establish a wellness campaign initiative.

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People in the photo: Zoe, Waleed, Unica

After identifying the need to navigate student safety resources, I built an all-in-one-place web content safety resource guide for 40K+ UW students to access.

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